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Message from Aneurin Bevan University Health Board re pressures

GP Surgeries across Monmouthshire are currently experiencing high levels of patients presenting with respiratory illnesses such as coughs, flu, and Covid-19, alongside ongoing concerns regarding Scarlet Fever and Strep A infections.

This has resulted in significant increase in the volume of urgent same day contacts, much higher than is usual at this time of year on an ongoing basis.  GP Practices are doing everything they can to accommodate individuals who clinically need to be dealt with the same day.

Due to this additional pressure, the wait for non-urgent, routine appointments may be longer than usual. ABUHB appreciate your understanding when practices need to take these measures to ensure safe and timely care for those with severe illness, especially when speaking to practice staff and call handlers who are supporting the clinical teams at this challenging time.

Other options available to you are:

NHS 111 online symptom checker

Your local pharmacy

Mental Health problems – call 111 and press 2 to speak to a local mental health advisor

NHS 111 Wales

Thank you for your understanding.
