Childline - Call 0800 11 11 for free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything
Home :: Healthier Together ( - an Aneurin Bevan health board website dedicated to your child's health, from fussy eating to headlice, from fevers to mental health.
NSPCC - Call 0808 800 5000 if an adult concerned about a child. If you're a child and want help, please call Childline
Home - Home - Meic ( - Information, advice and advocacy helpline for children and young people up to age 25 in Wales. Call 0808 80 23456 or text 84001
Herefordshire Healthy Minds for under 18s - providing mental health help to children, young people and their families across Herefordshire and Worcestershire
Young Minds - mental health charity. Parents helpline 0808 802 5544
Home - Kooth online mental wellbeing community for young people
FOD children's opportunity centre - a place for all children growing and learning together
| Young Gloucestershire ( Young Gloucestershire is a countywide charity that supports young people who are facing challenges in their lives. Call 01452 501008 or email
On Your Mind Gloucestershire - children & young people's mental health - NHS (
Home - Tic+ ( TIC+ (Teens in Crisis) provides face-to-face and online counselling services across Gloucestershire for young people aged 9-21 and their families. At TIC+ they care. They’re here to listen and support you – not to judge you. Call 01594 372777
Hope Support Services - registered charity helping young people aged five to twenty five when a loved one has a serious illness
Info Buzz - Therapeutic and practical support for families and young people with complex needs
YoungMinds Crisis Messenger – for people under 19. Message a text line: If you do not want to talk to someone over the phone, these text lines are open 24 hours a day, every day. Text "YM" to 85258
NHS vaccinations and when to have them - NHS (
Rashes in babies and children - NHS ( - Many things can cause a rash in babies and children, and they're often nothing to worry about. This page covers some of the common rashes in babies and children.
ABUHB text service for young people aged 11-19. Young people can anonymously text our School Nursing Team on 07312 263 262 for confidential support and advice on a range of physical and/or emotional health issues.